Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Can not find a way into a hospital to be the next big physician of internal medicine.

Take a look over at www.aidedjobsearch.com and check out the latest posting on How to land a job as a Physician of Internal Medicine. The life you save may be your own.

Exercise is good, but even better when it helps the job search

Take a look over at www.aidedjobsearch.com and check out the post about why you should work out when on the search for a job. Its a list, and everyone loves lists right?

You know your objective right?

Take a look over at www.aidedjobsearch.com and check out the new post about writing a killer sales objective for your next resume. Some good tips in there!

Don't get your resume stuck in the Resume Graveyard

Take a look over at www.aidedjobsearch.com and check out the post about the resume graveyard. Its a pretty good thought and comes with a good picture. lol.

Resume Writers block is the pits......

Take a look over at www.aidedjobsearch.com and see how you can cure the resume writers worse enemy, Resume Writers Block. Might actually make writing that resume a little easier after you get past the creativity traffic jam.

Grab the right keywords, and know how to use them

Take a look over at www.aidedjobsearch.com and check out the post on how to get keywords and how to use keywords for your resume and cover letter. It may make the difference between haveing your resume looked at, and having it thrown out.

Cut job search expeses by deducting them from your taxes

Head on over to www.aidedjobsearch.com and check out the post on deducting job hunting expenses. Might help you be save some of that hard earned cash, in a time that you may not be getting a whole lot coming in.

Aided Job search is ALIVE !!!

So, it would seem that www.aidedjobsearch.com is alive and well, however not being indexed by google very well. We will see about that, I think that when big daddy G gets a look at what is posted, he will like it just fine.